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How to record in-game footage:

How to create a demo
  1. In the game chat window, type: /demorecord “demo name” (do not use quotation marks)
  2. Example: /demorecord coh001
  3. Hit enter and demo will begin recording
  4. To end the demo type in the chat window: /demostop
  5. The recorded demo is saved to your \city of heroes\client_demos\ folder
  6. Example: \city of heroes\client_demo\coh001.cohdemo
How to view your game demo
(The easiest way to view the demo is to drag the .cohdemo file onto the desktop shortcut for running CoH)
  1. From the CoH directory, make a shortcut of cityofheroes.exe on your desktop
  2. Right click on the shortcut
  3. Select Properties
  4. Within the Target box you will see this command line: "C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes.exe"
  5. Add this line after a space, -demoplay *** (where *** is the name you gave the demo)
  6. Example: "C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes.exe" –demoplay coh001"
  7. Exit properties
  8. Double click on the cityofheroes.exe shortcut
  9. The program (game) will start and play your demo
How to generate files for editing
(These instructions are based on using the following application: This application makes it easier for less experienced editors to edit without any command line usage. )
  1. Open a Command Prompt window
    1. Start Button => Programs => Accessories => Command Prompt
  2. Change to the root of your installed CoH directory
    1. Type cd C:\Program Files\City of Heroes (if installed in the default location.)
  3. Type cityofheroes.exe <insert desired options>
    1. Example: cityofheroes.exe –demoplay battle –demodump –demofps 30 –screen 720 486
      1. This will playback a demo called battle at 30 frames per second with a screen size of 720x486 and also create a targa image sequence of the battle demo in a folder called C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\client_demos\screens\battle
  4. You can now edit the targa image sequence in the video editing program of your choice. The targa image sequence will not save any audio. You will have to record the audio with external audio recording software.
  5. You can record the demo with sound as an .avi file using FRAPS ( during this playback.

Other shortcut target command line options:

-demodump Creates a targa image sequence in City of Heroes\client_demos\screens\demoname\*.tga

-demofps “frames per second” forces the player to simulate a fixed frame per second—works well with demodump to get a smooth movie
Example: -demodump 29

-screen <dimension 1> <dimension 2> - This will force a screen dimension for the playback. Otherwise, the demo will playback at your usual City of Heroes resolution.

For basic video capture: Check out the FRAPS program at Note: NCsoft/City of Heroes does not provide FRAPS support, so please do not direct any inquires about the program or the program in relation to the creation of your CoH film to NCsoft. Thank you.


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